Independence Day Musings: Cheers to You, Mr. Jefferson

A celebration of America’s independence is again at hand. Insert excessive patriotism here. In today's current political maelstrom, however, many long for more sensible and dignified [pre-Twitter] days. So let's take it all the way back to the Revolution. In honor of Independence Day, I offer a Founding Fathers retrospective. Join, or die...

Pour yourself a glass of claret and ponder this: with which Founding Father would you most want to spend an evening? Tough choice; the Founding Fathers were an impressive bunch. I will give you a clue regarding my answer: he was quite the wine aficionado (of course I would choose the wino).

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Kamehameha Day: a Toast to Hawaii's Greatest King

In Hawaii, on the eleventh day of June, we celebrate Hawaii’s greatest monarch, King Kamehameha I, with a lei ceremony, hula, Floral Parade, and other cultural events. On the eve of this celebration, I find it appropriate to offer a few musings regarding Hawaii’s history and heritage, paired with a tasty beverage produced by the State’s only large commercial winemaker.  Wait, Hawaii has a winemaker?!? You bet. A tropical paradise, made even better. I suspect the wine will have some tropical notes of pineapple on the nose and palate…

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